Massive Retaining Wall for Cincinnati Department of Transportation Lends Beauty and Support to Riverfront

900-feet retaining wall supports busy Cincinnati roadway and creates space for popular park

A highly visible part of the 2007 Riverside Drive improvement project, the City of Cincinnati required a retaining wall that could both support a busy roadway above while also maximizing parking space for the popular riverfront park below. 

The City also wanted the 900-feet long gravity retaining wall to carry through the look of natural limestone which is prevalent in the historic riverfront downtown area.

Our solution? A zero-batter Redi-Rock gravity wall. With nearly 6 square feet of limestone-textured face on every one-ton block, this solution allowed for "clean" corners -- and provided the natural limestone look the city wanted.

Nearly 20 years later, the Riverside Drive retaining wall looks great and stands strong. Read the full Riverside Drive story at Redi-Rock International.

Project Details

Cincinnati, OH

Year Built

Overcome Extremely Tight Parameters & Significant Grades

Project Duration
25 days

Project Magnitude
8000 square feet

19.5 feet


Blocks Used

Textures Used

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